
Comprehending The Craft Of Content Writing

The world of marketing was not what it was 5 years ago.

Let’s be honest, it isn’t what it was last year. The dynamics of marketing and entertainment are changing almost constantly. In this fast-paced industry, finding your footing is difficult. Amidst this, ProLift helped a novice writer from grade 12 gain the right advice to navigate the industry. We arranged a consultation call for her with an industry veteran, someone who has been in the content field for over 10 years. He is currently heading a team at a very renowned digital media company based in New Delhi, India, primarily catering to adolescents and young adults.

The young writer shared her experiences of working as an unpaid intern and then finding opportunities with painfully low pay. She expressed her willingness to set up her own freelance services and sought advice on the best plan of action to do so. The mentor patiently heard all explanations and anecdotes before informing the mentee that the hard fact is that writers are underpaid. He then talked about how the creator economy is the new norm and how the mentee must focus on creating a strong portfolio to get ahead of the rat race.

This suggestion steered the discussion towards ghostwriting. The mentee stated that most of her work had been published online, but without a byline. She asked if she could still add that

work to her portfolio without being credited as a writer for it. To this, the mentor responded in the affirmative. He said that all work that has been organically created by the mentee must feature in her portfolio. All work products add diversity and credibility to your name, thereby depicting learning. He also stated that proof of good work can be instrumental in helping compensation levels improve.

The mentor talked about how the young writer should focus on providing quality work and the advantage she has being a student. She can create good work without worrying about the monetary aspect. There was also some discussion about freelancing platforms with too much traffic. However, the mentor urged the mentee to not eliminate any options and learn by experience. The mentor also evaluated the benefits of both offering comprehensive services and choosing a niche to carve your own space. He also got into the difference between content solely needed for SEO purposes and branded content.

The mentor was very appreciative and encouraging of the young writer's endeavors and emphasized her freedom and lack of limitations in choosing what she wishes to do, without the pressure of earning a living. He said that experience does not guarantee creativity, and the mentee’s young exuberance could be her greatest asset if used wisely.

There was also an elaborate discussion on building a personal brand for the young mentee, through a variety of channels. The mentor encouraged the young lady to explore all platforms and find out what works best for her. Then, she must build her credibility through her work. He emphasized the need to find the balance between numbers and creativity in this constantly changing area of work.

With a light mood to the conversation and highly humorous comments, the mentor advised the mentee on the proper way to approach editorials and helped her understand how she can make her work speak. After the session, the mentee was able to incorporate the advice she received and make significant changes to her content writing efforts for the betterment. At ProLift, nothing makes us happier!

Author : Ayushi Anand